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American History Databases: Home

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Spring Semester Hours

January 6th-May 4, 2025

Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

The library will be closed 3/10-3/16. 

Library Resources

Research Databases for American History Courses

Databases with searchable, digitalized Newspapers and Magazines

  1. Early American Newspapers: America's Historical Newspapers (includes The Liberator/North Star)
  2. (Access information: username: wood_360 password: research-101)
  3. Early American Periodicals: American Periodical Series (1740-1900)
  4. American Indian Newspapers
  5. 19th Century U.S. Newspapers

Databases with material that documents southern life (enslaved and free)

  1. Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915, Plantations Records, Part 1
  2. Documenting the American South

Databases with material about anti-slavery/abolition

  1. Anti-slavery books and pamphlets from Cornell University Libraries
  2. Black Abolitionist Papers
  3. Slavery and Abolitionist Movement (1790-1860)

Ohio History Center databases with digitalized material. Useful for early Ohio sources

  1. Ohio History Center (ie Ohio Historical Society)
  2. Ohio Memory: An Online Scrapbook of Ohio History

Databases of government documents about life/government in territories before they became states!

  1. Territorial Papers of the United States, Series 1-4

Databases of presidential speeches (ie State of the Union and Debates in Congress)

  1. American Presidency Project
  2. Congressional Globe: 1833-1873

Databases with material about Native American life

  1. American Indian Histories and Cultures
  2. American Indian Correspondence: Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries Letters/1833-1893

Databases with material on women's lives

  1. North American Women's Letters and Diaries
  2. Everyday Life & Women in America: c. 1800-1920

Database collection for those interested in political cartoons before 1860

  1. Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum


Database with material on the immigrant experience before 1860

North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries, and Oral Histories

Includes 2,162 authors and approximately 100,000 pages written by American and Canadian immigrants who arrived between 1800 and 1950.  The database has published illustrations and cartoons related to immigration and audio of oral history from the Ellis Island Oral History Project. (Find audio and cartoons from Puck under Browse, Showcase after entering the database.  Other illustrations are under Browse, Resources.  Illustrations can be found doing a general search).

Immigration to the United States, 1789-1930

This digital collection from Harvard University Library "includes over 400,000 pages from more than 2,200 books, pamphlets, and serials, over 9,600 pages from manuscripts and archival collections, and more than 7,800 photographs.  By incorporating diaries, biographies, and other writings capturing diverse experiences, the collected material provides a window into the lives of ordinary immigrants."



Sources Written by Historians

Ohio State Library Catalog homepage

OhioLINK website





Library Director

Profile Photo
Pat Wood
Assistant Professor-Practice
105F Library/Classroom Building
1469 Mt. Vernon Avenue
Marion, Ohio 43302