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Berlin - Dean: Works Cited

Works Cited

Works Cited

"Kindertransport Association and KTA History." Web. 18 Nov.


"Names on the Buses." Brighton & Hove Bus and Coach Company Limited. Web. 02

            Dec. 2013.

Burešová, Jana. "Nicholas Winton, Man and Myth: A Czech Perspective." The

            Kindertransport to Britain 1938/39: New Perspectives. 47-56. Print.

Chamberlin, Scott, and Gretchen Skidmore. "Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the

            Kindertransport -- A Study Guide Based on the Film." Into the Arms of Strangers.

            Warner Brothers, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2013.


Göpfert, Rebekka, and Andrea Hammel. "Kindertransport: History and

            Memory." Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies. 23.1 (2004):

            21-27. Web. 23 Sept. 2013.

Jacobs, Janet. "Memorializing The Sacred: Kristallnacht In German National Memory."

            Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion 47.3 (2008): 485-498. Academic

            Search Complete. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

Kindertransport Refugees: Frank Auerbach, Kindertransport, Otto Newman, Hedy

            Epstein, Paul Cohn, Walter Kohn, David Hurst, Martin Ostwald.General

            LLC, 2011. Print.

Körte, Mona, and Toby Axelrod. "Bracelet, Hand Towel, Pocket Watch: Objects Of The

            Last Moment In Memory And Narration." Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal

            Of Jewish Studies 23.1 (2004): 109-120. Historical Abstracts. Web. 14 Oct. 2013.

Sharples, Caroline. "Kindertransport." History Today. 54.3 (2004): 23-29.

   Web. 22 Sept. 2013.