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Scholarly Impact and Citation Analysis

Tips and step-by-step directions on how to find citing articles, impact factors, and journal rankings.

Scopus: Cited Reference Searching: Article Search


1. Go to: 

2. In the Document Search tab, enter the available elements of a citation. These elements can include article title, author, source title (journal in which article was published). It is recommended that at least two of these elements be used.

The images below show a cited reference search for the the following citation:

The Regulatory Content of Intergenic DNA Shapes Genome Architecture, C.E. Nelson*, B.M. Hersh*, S.B. Carroll. Genome Biology 2004; 5(4):R25

Scopus document search

2. Below are the results from the above search. Note that the "Cited By" column indicates the number of times this article has been cited by other articles (contained in Scopus). Follow the hyperlinked number to access these citing articles.

Scopus document search results



Caveat: Scopus cited references only go back to 1996. If you want cited references for pre-1996 articles, you will have to search some other tools identified in this Guide.

Scopus: Cited Reference Searching: Author Search


1. Go to 

2. Select the Author Search tab and enter the Last name and first initials. In othe example below, we will look for articles written by S.G. Velleman.

Scopus author search

3. Select the relevant entries. There may be several entries that represent a particular author's body of work. Choose all that are appropriate and click View Citation Overview.

Scopus author search result

4. Scopus will display a history of cited references to the author's articles. The h-index (an author impact metric) for articles tracked by Scopus will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

Scopus citation overview

Caveat: Scopus cited references only go back to 1996. If you want cited references for pre-1996 articles, you will have to search some other tools identified in this Guide.