If you're new to academic research, don't panic! Everyone has to start somewhere.
University libraries exist for this reason, to educate about and support research. The following link is a guide that will help you understand what the library offers. https://osu.libguides.com/totalblic
Throughout your academic career, you'll encounter many terms that may be unfamiliar. For this class, let's define a few:
Databases: Think of them as very specialized search engines that go through specific materials organized by disciplines and subjects. They are accessed through subscriptions only and are not available to members of the general public. They can seem intimidating at first, but once you learn how to use them you will probably like them!
Keywords: These are the terms that likely come to mind when you're doing any kind of search. (Like maybe what you would put into Google or Bing.)
Subject headings: These are specialized terms that differ from one database to another. They are assigned to and built by each database and may take some trial and error to discover.