Please contact the Warner Library Circulation Supervisor Tauni Graham at or 740-364-9501 for assistance putting any materials on Reserve.
The library has a large number of DVDs that are available for use within the classroom. If you have a request for a specific DVD, please contact John D. Crissinger for more information.
Further information about resources at the John L. & Christine Warner Library:
About Us
Requests for purchase should be submitted by contacting John D. Crissinger. Be sure to include enough information (especially helpful is the title, author and ISBN) so that the item(s) requested are correctly identified.
The Library will acquire materials in virtually any format or language if needed for your classes. Although most acquisitions are text-based, figurines, models, maps, digital, microform, and electronic are all considered.
If no library in OhioLINK owns a copy that can be loaned, you may request a copy through Interlibrary Loan. Contact Tauni Graham for assistance.
Along with these services, the library also assists faculty with their research. Please contact John D. Crissinger, Dai Newman or Emilie Cornelius for assistance.
The John L. & Christine Warner Library collects and maintains copies of Newark faculty publications. If you are a faculty member and would care to donate a copy of your publication(s), the library would be very appreciative. The collection of materials is shelved in the secure Archives area on the second floor of the John L. and Christine Warner Library and Student Center. See John D. Crissinger for details.
Library instruction is an important aspect of library service and is available upon request. At least two week’s notice is appreciated, and please have at least two dates in mind in case your first date is already booked. Please contact Dai Newman ( or Emilie Cornelius ( to make an appointment or for additional information.
When able, the library also sponsors workshops on a wide range of topics. These will be announced to the faculty and/or campus community as they are scheduled. Suggestions for topics are always appreciated. Contact John D. Crissinger for more information.
Library printers require a Buck ID or COTC ID to print, they do not accept cash. Request assistance from the library staff at the circulation desk.
Faculty enjoy the longest circulation periods possible. Most OSU books can be checked out for ten weeks and renewed indefinitely unless requested by another patron. There is no limit to the number of materials that can be checked out. The check out process for OhioLINK books is the same as with any other patron, which is three weeks and up to three renewals as long as a hold has not been placed on the book.
Faculty, however, are under the same guidelines and restrictions as any other patron when a hold or recall is placed upon a title they have checked out. The item must be returned within the designated time.
Faculty do not incur fines except for three reasons:
Recalls and holds – if the deadline for returning a recalled title or one on hold is violated, faculty will be fined at the same rate as other patrons ($10/day).
Faculty are expected to settle all “lost & billed” obligations.
OhioLINK materials do not belong to Ohio State. They can be borrowed as a courtesy of the lending institution. Materials are generally checked out for 3 weeks and can be renewed an additional 3 times after which they must be returned unless another patron has a hold on that item. Late returns incur a 50-cent per day fine. Failure to return OhioLINK materials in a timely manner endangers the borrowing privileges of the entire University.
Though you will notice that there is a pickup location noted as "my office," this service is not currently available on the Newark Campus. All library materials are delivered to the library in the Warner Center.