Developed by anatomy faculty from The George Washington University, this resource is designed to teach human anatomy to students in the health professions. The database includes radiographic, cross-sectional, and gross anatomical images and textual content. Anatomical descriptions, labels, and online tests are provided.
Select the Images tab from the ScienceDirect search screen to search for images available from the more than 2,000 journals and eBook series available in ScienceDirect.
The American Society of Hematology (ASH) Image Bank is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference and teaching tool that is widely accessible to physicians and hematology students around the world. The images are presented in a digital, case-based format.
Provides access to over 1,200 images from Gray's classic text. The contents of this free online book/image service are intended for your personal, educational, noncommercial use.
A patient education website from the National Library of Medicine, includes links to many high-quality illustrations and videos especially designed for the use of health consumers.
NCI Visuals Online contains general biomedical and science-related images, cancer-specific, and patient care-related images. All images are in the public domain and may be used, linked, or reproduced without permission. If an image is used, credit should be given to the listed source and/or author.
This atlas serves as a resource for central nervous system imaging. Portions of this work may be individually downloaded, copied, and cited for the personal and educational purposes of individuals and organizations in their work, provided that proper attribution and context are given.
The MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) Health Sciences Portal is an educational resource for teaching and learning.
MedEdPORTAL is a new approach to digital resources from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). Examples of MedEdPORTAL resources include tutorials, virtual patients, cases, and other teaching materials covering the continuum of medical education.