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the BLIC explained!

features of and wayfinding through the BLIC

How to look for materials


A search from the first box might look like this: 

Bear in mind, you might not be looking for the "zombies" version of Pride and Prejudice. That's okay! This is only the first result. Scroll down the page for more. But, let's say you are.

What happens if we don't have something you need? Here's an example. Let's say you're looking for "Coraline" - either the film or the book by Neil Gaiman.

No problem. Let's say, for the sake of this example, you are looking for the book. Change "Mansfield Catalog" in the dropdown to "Search Full Catalog" and submit. It will now run the search through the whole OSU system.

The OSU catalog link searches everything held by OSU libraries. This includes Columbus campus, with all of its smaller specialty libraries, as well as each of the regionals. Scrolling down the list, #6 has 2 available copies.

 To request an item, hit that "request this item" button and log in:

Make sure you choose the correct pickup location, then hit submit.

When the item comes to our campus, you will receive an email. It usually takes a couple of days. Then you can come into the BLIC and pick it up!

 Items from ANY OSU campus check out for 6 weeks for OSU students, and may be renewed as long as they are not needed by another patron. 

What if the OSU community doesn't have what you're looking for? Click here.