Mansfield Student Handbook: Circulation

Handbook for the student assistants of the Bromfield Library & Information Commons. Includes topics ranging from checking out a book to calling off sick.

Check out requirements

This section provides information regarding what is required for a patron to check out from our library


Collecting Fines & Other Payments

Information about cash transactions in the library: print cards, fines, lamination, etc.


Course Reserves/Closed Reserves


Course reserves are a collection of class materials that instructors have requested be available for checkout, like copies of a specific textbook. These are kept at the front desk. Click the image above to learn more.


Courtesy Patrons

Access to Bromfield Library is not limited just to students, faculty, and staff of NCSC or Ohio State. Occasionally community members or other individuals may be interested in signing up for library privileges.

There are two main types of access available: local courtesy cards and Ohio State University courtesy cards.



Circulation is responsible for assisting patrons with the location and circulation of library materials

Activities include:

  • check-outs and check-ins of materials and technology 
  • collection of fines and other charges 
  • reshelving of library materials 
  • maintaining order in shelving areas

Circulation Services also assists patrons with general questions and light reference questions.

Description taken from Kent State 

Click here for Circulation FAQs


The library has different types equipment available for checkout. This section provides a general overview of how to complete a successful equipment check out (click image above). For more specific instructions, see the "Equipment Guide" document attached below.

Fine Policies

Need to know about library fines and policies? Read this section.

Group Study Room Reservations

Learn about our group study room policies and find instructions for signing patrons up for group study rooms


Hold Shelf

The hold shelf is where we keep materials that are being "held" for patrons for later pickup. This section contains information about requested materials and short term holds.

Loan Periods & Fines

Find out how long materials are checked out for here and what the costs are if they are overdue

Lost and Found

What to do with lost items


How does printing in the library and on campus work? Find out here.