The laminator key is kept in the key box.
Faculty and staff may laminate free of charge if the material is work related.
Students and community members are able to laminate at the cost of $0.25 per foot.
The machine takes approximately 15-20 minutes to heat up so you should let anyone who calls in know that they must wait at least 15-20 minutes.
If the film needs to be replaced, please contact Kay or your supervisor.
To turn the laminator on:
- Flip the "on" switch
- Press the forward switch (an then flip it back to neutral)
- The red/orange "on" light should now be lit. You can set the temperature (keep it around 270) and check the temperature to see if it's ready to use.
- To run the machine, insert the key and turn it to the "unlocked" position. Press the forward switch to run materials through the machine. You can adjust the speed.
- Hint: Run the lamination a few inches before inserting materials to laminated. This will seal the front edge of the lamination and ensures that the entire item is laminated.
- Once finished laminating. DO NOT use the cutting edge on the laminator. Instead use a pair of scissors and leave a 3-6 inch tail of lamination. Otherwise, the lamination film can loop back on itself and jam the machine (trust me, it's not fun to fix).
To turn the laminator off:
- Flip the "off" switch
- Turn the key to locked position
- Return key to key box