Mansfield Student Handbook: Customer Service

Handbook for the student assistants of the Bromfield Library & Information Commons. Includes topics ranging from checking out a book to calling off sick.

Customer Service

Library patrons shouldn’t feel like they’re bothering us when asking questions—they’re the reason we’re here!


When answering the phone, smile and say,“Bromfield Library, how may I help you?” or something similar that you feel comfortable saying. 

If you need to place someone on hold, please ask "Can you hold for a moment?" Try not to leave the patron on hold for longer than one minute (if possible). If you cannot assist the patron within a few minutes, offer to take her number and call her back within a specified amount of time.

When you transfer a call, indicate to the caller that he or she is being transferred. Also make sure the caller knows to whom he or she is being transferred.


When a library patron approaches the front desk, stop what you’re doing, smile, make eye contact, and greet them.

A simple hello works. ​You don’t need to say anything overly formal. You just need to appear available and willing to help. 

Do not wear headphones at the front desk.