Only cash or check payments are accepted at the front desk: Make out check payments to the Ohio State University
Library fines can only be collected by Laura or Vanessa
Credit card payments for fines can be made online, but we encourage people to pay cash or check here at the desk, so the funds stay local vs. going to Columbus
Print Cards or Lamination
Only cash or check payments are accepted
Print cards are $5 each
Lamination is $.25/foot
Record payments on the sheet provided in the cash drawer along with your initials
If an OSU student has a hold on their account that needs lifted ASAP, they can call the OSU Main Library Business Office at 614-292-2400 between 8am and 5pm to pay the fine and have the hold lifted. Typically it takes 24 for a hold to be lifted.
Fine Appeal
See Fine Policies section
Remember to record all cash transactions on the sheet provided in the cash drawer.