Mansfield Student Handbook: Reference Questions

Handbook for the student assistants of the Bromfield Library & Information Commons. Includes topics ranging from checking out a book to calling off sick.

Reference Questions

Whenever you are asked a question by a library patron, please record the transaction using the "Ref Questions" form. Links to the form are found here or on the Circulation computer desktop or the Chrome or Firefox browser favorite bar.

Using this form you will record: 

Your identity

How you received the question In person, telephone, etc.

Who you helped: OSU faculty/staff, NCSC student, unknown, etc. Only record this information when it comes up naturally.

Type of Question:

  • Directional: e.g. Where is the Math Lab?
  • Simple Request: e.g. Can I borrow a pair of scissors?
  •  Reference Beginner (5 minutes or less): e.g. Do you have a copy of Pride & Prejudice?
  • Reference Advanced (5 minutes or more): e.g. Can you help me find research materials on global warming?
  • Technology, e,g Can you help me connect to wifi

Also record the question itself: Do you have a copy of Pride & Prejudice?

And your answer: Checked our catalog for  a copy. Ours was checked out, so I requested the book from another OSU library.

Not all questions need recorded. For example, if someone asks to buy a print card, you do not need to record this question using "Ref Questions" because you are recording the transaction on the paper slip in the cash drawer.

If you have any questions about what to record, ask your supervisor. Also it's better to record too many questions, than not enough.



Reference Questions