Mansfield Student Handbook: Course Reserves/Closed Reserves

Handbook for the student assistants of the Bromfield Library & Information Commons. Includes topics ranging from checking out a book to calling off sick.

Course Reserves/Closed Reserves



Course reserves are a collection of class materials that instructors have requested be available for checkout, like copies of a specific textbook. These are kept at the front desk.

Course reserves are filed in the following way:


COURSE NUMBER: Anthropology 2200


You can either search for course reserves manually on the shelves or by using the library catalog to search by course or professor

General Course Reserve Guidelines

Due to high demand and limited supply, all 2-hour reserves must be used within the library

These items don't "renew" in the same way that regular books do. However, If there is no one waiting for the item, it can be checked in and checked back out to the same patron in person or by phone.

2-hour AV materials can be viewed using the library PCs. Headphones can be checked out at the circulation desk.

Fines on closed reserves vary by checkout time. Look at the sticker on the front of each item for specifics (e.g. $2/ first hour and $5/each addtl hour)

ALWAYS tell patron when their item is due--especially if it is a 2 hour check out. Fines can be expensive!

Our equipment checkouts are also classified as "course or closed reserves" due to their limited supply and shorter checkout times